Sicangu Sun Times Edition

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Pine Ridge Situation More Tense After 7-Month Occupation

PINE RIDGE---Turmoil continues on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation next door as the Sun Times goes to press this month. Amid scares of "FBI coming" and the Tribal Council ordering tribal police to take back the tribal building, the place has been fairly peaceful. Unless you knew where to look. A splinter group that broke off from the Oglala Grass Roots Oyate last March has come back to physically challenge the tribal court system. Clyde Red Shirt, a former judge, and his supporters, temporarily invaded the tribal court and tried to physically remove Judge Patrick Lee from the building. Judge Lee, who broke away and escaped, has issued a warrant for Red Shirt's arrest. Police say they won't take back the tribal building until they get a written order showing authority in such an action. National guardsman have stepped-up patrols in the area, supposedly "on manueuvers." Suspended tribal President Harold Salway has been negotiating with the oyate group for a position in the new government which has appointed Chief Oliver Red Cloud as headman, and several other elders as part of a new General Council. The authorized Oglala Sioux Tribal Council, meanwhile, remains in control of government. Controversial OST Treasurer Wesley "Chuck" Jacobs remains in office.

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